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Blagdon Lake Birds



Ring-necked DuckRing-necked Duck



Site Year list to date (records by site bird wardens Nigel Milbourne & Mark Hynam plus those reported to us):


Please note: National Rarities (British Birds Rarities Committee submissions) will be highlighted in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS, while Local Rarities (Avon Ornithological Group Rarities Committee submissions) will be highlighted in CAPITAL LETTERS only.

  1. Canada Goose (1st January)
  2. Mute Swan (1st January)
  3. Egyptian Goose (1st January)
  4. Shoveler (1st January)
  5. Gadwall (1st January)
  6. Wigeon (1st January)
  7. Mallard (1st January)
  8. Pintail (10th January)
  9. Teal (1st January)
  10. Pochard (1st January)
  11. RING-NECKED DUCK (1st January)
  12. Tufted Duck (1st January)
  13. Scaup (1st January)
  14. Common Scoter (9th July)
  15. Goldeneye (1st January)
  16. Goosander (1st January)
  17. Pheasant (1st January)
  18. Red-legged Partridge (19th March)
  19. Swift (25th April)
  20. Cuckoo (31st May)
  21. Rock Dove/Feral Pigeon (15th January)
  22. Stock Dove (25th January)
  23. Woodpigeon (1st January)
  24. Collared Dove (8th April) per R. Hargreaves
  25. Water Rail (1st January)
  26. Moorhen (1st January)
  27. Coot (1st January)
  28. Crane (28th April) 
  29. Little Grebe (1st January)
  30. Great Crested Grebe (1st January)
  31. Oystercatcher (23rd July)
  32. Lapwing (19th January)
  33. Whimbrel (15th April)
  34. Dunlin (23rd February)
  35. Snipe (1st January)
  36. Common Sandpiper (1st January)
  37. Green Sandpiper (1st January)
  38. Redshank (19th March)
  39. Greenshank (1st July)
  40. Black-headed Gull (1st January)
  41. Little Gull (8th April)
  42. Mediterranean Gull (2nd February)
  43. Common Gull (1st January)
  44. Great Black-backed Gull (14th January)
  45. Herring Gull (1st January)
  46. Yellow-legged Gull (19th January)
  47. Lesser Black-backed Gull (1st January)
  48. Common Tern (24th July)
  49. Arctic Tern (9th April)
  50. Cormorant (1st January)
  51. Cattle Egret (19th January)
  52. Grey Heron (1st January)
  53. Great White Egret (1st January)
  54. Little Egret (1st January)
  55. Osprey (1st May)
  56. Sparrowhawk (1st January) per M. Patch
  57. Marsh Harrier (15th January)
  58. Red Kite (1st January)
  59. Buzzard (1st January)
  60. Tawny Owl (1st January)
  61. Barn Owl (10th January)
  62. Kingfisher (12th February)
  63. Great Spotted Woodpecker (1st January)
  64. Green Woodpecker (1st January)
  65. Kestrel (5th January) per J. Voaden
  66. Peregrine (1st January)
  67. Jay (1st January) per Avon Birds
  68. Magpie (1st January)
  69. Jackdaw (1st January)
  70. Rook (1st January)
  71. Carrion Crow (1st January)
  72. Raven (1st January)
  73. Coal Tit (1st January)
  74. Marsh Tit (1st January) per M. Patch
  75. Blue Tit (1st January)
  76. Great Tit (1st January)
  77. Sand Martin (14th March)
  78. Swallow (24th March)
  79. House Martin (3rd April)
  80. Cetti's Warbler (4th February)
  81. Long-tailed Tit (1st January)
  82. Willow Warbler (26th March)
  83. Chiffchaff (1st January)
  84. Sedge Warbler (22nd April)
  85. Reed Warbler (13th April)
  86. Blackcap (11th January)
  87. Garden Warbler (23rd April)
  88. Whitethroat (13th April)
  89. Goldcrest (1st January)
  90. Wren (1st January)
  91. Nuthatch (1st January)
  92. Treecreeper (1st January)
  93. Starling (1st January)
  94. Song Thrush (1st January)
  95. Mistle Thrush (11th January)
  96. Redwing (1st January)
  97. Blackbird (1st January)
  98. Fieldfare (1st January)
  99. Spotted Flycatcher (2nd June)
  100. Robin (1st January)
  101. Stonechat (1st January)
  102. House Sparrow (11th January)
  103. Dunnock (1st January)
  104. Grey Wagtail (1st January)
  105. Pied Wagtail (4th January)
  106. Meadow Pipit (15th January)
  107. Chaffinch (1st January)
  108. Bullfinch (10th January)
  109. Greenfinch (2nd January)
  110. Linnet (21st April)
  111. Lesser Redpoll (1st January)
  112. Goldfinch (1st January)
  113. Siskin (2nd January) per C. Craig
  114. Reed Bunting (1st January)
Nigel Milbourne © 2009-24. All Rights Reserved.